Until now WhatsApp for Business conversations could only be held when a customer initiated the conversation. But now it’s also possible to send a WhatsApp message to a user directly from the Microsoft Teams client.
WhatsApp for Business allows you to send a templated message when you would like to initiate a conversation. These templates have to be submitted to Facebook (owner of WhatsApp) for approval. After approval you can use them to send a message to a user. When the user responds to this templated message the ‘conversation window’ is opened and you can send any message you want.
Before you can send a message (also known as notification) you must ask the recipient for consent. This can be done via multiple ways, like email, sms, a website or WhatsApp. If you have consent you can update the consent-database in ROGER365 via an API. When you select a recipient, ROGER365 will display if the recipient has provided you his/her consent.
CRM Integrated
To send a WhatsApp message you can manually enter a mobile phone number. It’s also possible to search your CRM system for contacts if you have created a CRM Replicator.
The WhatsApp Out feature is available in all subscriptions, except the Starter.