In the upcoming release which will be deployed early next week, we will add a great new feature named: Toastar for Teams.
Many years our Toastar application was installed to connect a CRM system with Skype for Business or another telephony system. But now it’s also available for Microsoft Teams.
When you are using Microsoft Teams as your telephony platform (for example via Direct Route) and you receive an pstn phone call, we will do a lookup in your CRM system and show the callers’ address or other CRM information, even before you pickup the phone. Also a button can be displayed to open the callers’ contactcard directly in CRM.
Next to the basic address data, you can also retrieve realtime data, for example outstanding invoices, and show them together with the callers’ information.
No more asking for the callers’ name, no more searching for contactpersons. Your customer engagement will get to a much higher level 😉